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InvestmentEyes on Asia: Merck and BioNTech land Chinese bispecifics
Eyes on Asia: Merck and BioNTech land Chinese bispecifics
BioXconomy presents the Asia biopharma and healthcare dealmaking and financing news for the week ending 29 November.
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To protect the future of healthcare, we need to be data-driven
Better data equals better solutions said panelists at LSX Nordics Congress, but collaborations must create behavioral changes to drive innovation.
From Series A to B: Navigating the transition from promise to proof
Investors at LSX Investival discuss how, after securing Series A funding, biotech companies should begin to lay the groundwork for Series B financing.
Picky pharma prone to better proven partners amid dealmaking downturn
Pharma is being more selective in the deals it strikes among what a panel of experts say is an abundance of players looking to partner.